Premium Nordic softwood
Welcome to AS Natural - a leading Estonian producer of timber and timber products since 1990.
We are proud to ship our products to more than 30 countries worldwide and to operate on all continents, from North America to Australia and Oceania.
Our raw material is sourced only from regulated sawmills and certificated forests from the best Nordic growing areas of Estonia, Finland, Sweden and Latvia.
Natural is FSC® (C149652) and PEFC certified.
Product selection
Natural operates as a secondary and tertiary timber producer. We source sawn timber (Nordic spruce and Nordic pine) from the Nordic region as a raw material, and all our products are first processed in our planing mill, where we have the capability to sort, split, profile, stress-grade, bundle, cut to length, shrink wrap and pack the goods.
During the later production stages, our products can be impregnated, coated, thermo treated, cross cut, bandsawn, structure brushed, end-matched or assembled as a timber element used in construction (roof trusses etc).
During the later production stages, our products can be impregnated, coated, thermo treated, cross cut, bandsawn, structure brushed, end-matched or assembled as a timber element used in construction (roof trusses etc).

Construction timber

Planed boards

Exterior cladding

Interior paneling

Decking products


Roof trusses